Our Judges
The Honorable Stephen Ott
Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Courts, The Griffin Judicial District
From Judge stephen ott
Take a moment to consider a child, let's say three years old, removed from an egregiously abusive situation, and placed in the home of strangers. It is harsh, but, the child was often left alone, seldom held, and horribly neglected. Now, imagine that three year old moving three times in six months; meaning four new homes, with strangers, in six months. In all likelihood, the state case manager has changed. Contact with family is limited to one hour every other week, if the family bothers. Is your heart breaking?
YOU can help and YOUR help is needed.
I began my work in juvenile court in 2003. I am privileged to serve as the Presiding Juvenile Court Judge for the Griffin Judicial Circuit. I serve with an outstanding associate judge, the Honorable Rhonda Kreuziger. The value the two of us place on CASA cannot be overstated. I have seen many changes from new judges to a multi-year, massive overhaul of the juvenile laws for Georgia. Nothing has had the impact on our judicial circuit the way CASA has. The CASAs have added accountability for all parties, investigated issues and found resolutions, advocated for children in court and out, driven many miles, learned many things and wrapped hurting children in loving arms. Often, that embrace is the first the child has ever received. CASA has brought compassion, love, and empathy. CASA is the heart of dependency cases. The most, and often only, consistent person in the child's life is the CASA.
YOU can help. I encourage you to pursue serving as a CASA volunteer. There is no greater reward than service to children. As you look through this website, you can see the involvement a CASA has in the juvenile court system. You see what the position entails. Please do not miss seeing the difference a CASA makes. Children see themselves as powerless with no voice. You can be that voice. Children do not know their place, so to speak. You can help them find it. Children, in foster care, are lost and drifting. You can be an anchor. Return to the three year old for a moment. In that all too frequent scenario, the CASA is the most consistent person in the child's life; the person that calls and visits no matter what; the person that remembers what the child likes; and has discussed the child's hopes and dreams. Now imagine a child saying to a judge, only one person on all the earth loves me and it is my CASA. When that child turns to hug your neck, you will know THIS IS WHY I AM A CASA. You will know you matter. Even better, the children will know they matter.
Consider helping. Consider a child.
Whether of your time, talents or treasure, give a little. You will get so much more!
No child should ever experience the feeling of terror, fear, and abuse. Let’s stay united in raising our children safe from harm.
The honorable stephen ott
Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Courts, The Griffin Judicial District
The Honorable Natalie Ashman
Associate Judge of the Juvenile Courts, The Griffin Judicial District